Digital and Technology

People employed:



£6.5 billion

Scotland has been at the forefront of global innovation since the industrial revolution. Today we're more likely to be engineering software than steam engines, and we're developing the sort of high-tech solutions your company could be looking for. With a highly-skilled workforce and growing numbers of graduates in relevant subjects, Scotland offers expertise across wireless communication, big data, and Internet of Things. You'll also find experts in digital health, software, sensor and digital technologies.

More about tech in Scotland from

Financial Services

People employed:



£17.4 billion
(includes global business services)

Scotland has a centuries-long heritage in financial services and remains one of Europe's most important financial centres. Today our talented workforce is showing its adaptability. Domestic companies and inward investors from around the world explore new opportunities in areas like fintech and cyber security, alongside more traditional financial services operations.

More about financial services in Scotland from

Fintech / financial technology

People employed:

15,000 (potential)


£37 million

Scotland’s fintech sector offers fantastic commercial opportunities. It already hosts major players in the global fintech scene, and is set to grow even bigger. With over 90,000 people working in its financial services and 100,000 in digital technology, Scotland is the perfect place to expand your fintech firm. Scotland has a bold ambition to become a top 10 Global FinTech Hub Federation place by 2020, and to create 15,000 financial technology jobs by 2026.

More about fintech in Scotland from

Global business services

People employed:



£15 billion
(with financial services)

With over 500 global business services companies and contact centres, Scotland is home to some of Europe's largest companies. In fact, in 2016, global business services projects were the largest source of foreign direct investment in Scotland. If your company would benefit from a skilled workforce, supplemented by over 95,000 graduates each year, Scotland could be the answer.

More about GBS in Scotland from

Health and Life Sciences

People employed:



£2.6 billion

Scotland can offer your life sciences company a collaborative environment, a commitment to research and a thriving industry cluster. Scotland is home to over 771 life sciences companies with opportunities to work in partnership with one of our 19 universities and the NHS, Scotland's healthcare provider. Scotland's expertise covers a range of activities, including medtech, pharma services, regenerative medicine, animal health, aquaculture and industrial biotech.

More about life sciences in Scotland from

Aerospace and space

People employed:



£4 billion

Where once the world looked to Scotland for trains and ships, now we're famous for our satellite technology. Space and aerospace companies investing in Scotland find a strong industry cluster supported by a supply chain with extensive experience in advanced engineering. There are plans in place to develop a £4 billion Scottish space industry by 2030. Companies like Spire and Chevron already here, so your company could find Scotland the perfect place to expand and grow.

More about space in Scotland from

Creative Industries and Gaming

People employed:



£4.41 billion

A recent survey showed that 91% of Scotland's population takes part in at least one cultural activity each year. That's just one reason why our creative industries are thriving. From digital media to film and television to games, Scottish talent is flourishing locally and in demand in international markets. It's little wonder that TV epics like Outlander and bestselling games like Grand Theft Auto have ties to Scotland.

More about creative industries in Scotland from

Renewables and Low Carbon

People employed:


Case study:


Natural resources, an experienced energy sector and a supportive business environment make Scotland a leading destination for renewable energy companies like yours. The world's first floating offshore wind farm, operated by Equinor and Masdar, has recently started producing electricity off the coast of Aberdeenshire. And, with our universities committed to collaborating on new technologies, Scotland is at the forefront of development in heat technology, onshore and offshore wind and marine energy.

More about renewables in Scotland from


People employed:



£4.1 billion
*figures pre-Covid

With breathtaking scenery and history in every valley and glen, Scotland has long attracted tourists from around the world. Today the industry supports around 14,970 companies, boosted by our growing reputation as a leading location for global events. Our cities are year-round destinations. This helps drive demand for accommodation and makes Scotland a particularly attractive choice for international hotel operators looking to secure valuable returns on their investment. VisitScotland also works closely with businesses, local authorities and other tourism stakeholders to maximise the economic benefits of tourism to Scotland.

More about tourism in Scotland from

Chemical sciences

People employed:



£1.4 billion

Case study:


With annual exports of £4.4 billion, Scotland’s chemical sciences sector has already attracted global companies like FujiFilm, DSM, GlaxoSmithKline, DuPont Tejin Films Dow and Sygenta. So, by investing here you’ll be in good company. We’re also consistently ranked in the world’s top three locations for chemical sciences research and development in terms of productivity and influence. Around 1,000 graduates a year supplement our talented and experienced workforce.

More about chemical sciences in Scotland from