If you’re considering doing business with Scotland or you’re thinking about expanding your company in a new location, Scottish Development International (SDI) is here to help.
SDI is the international arm of Scotland’s enterprise agencies. Our network of global offices is staffed by industry experts dedicated to helping you make the most of all the opportunities Scotland has to offer.
We can help you identify the right financial support to grow your business. You'll get help from identifying and recruiting the right people to finding new premises, funding R&D projects and attracting investment. You’ll also get help to access industry networks in your field, putting you in touch with potential suppliers, partners and customers.
And support for your business in Scotland won’t end there. Scottish Enterprise (SE), Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) can provide ongoing support including funding and help to reach new international markets from your Scottish base.
If you’re planning to recruit staff from outside Scotland, TalentScotland can help you find the right people and offer advice on immigration and visas.
For decades, tourists and visitors from around the world have been amazed by the friendliness of the welcome that awaits them in Scotland. Our enterprise agencies work hard to make sure companies like yours enjoy that same Scottish welcome when they choose to do business here.
Find out more about Scottish Development International at SDI.co.uk

Scotland Europa is a membership-based organisation that promotes Scotland’s interests across the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to the representatives of Europe’s regions and Member States. With experienced and specialised staff based in Brussels and Scotland, Scotland Europa fosters strong links between Scotland and Europe, providing intelligence, policy analysis and strategic funding advice. We promote Scottish interests across the institutions of the EU and to the representatives of Europe’s regions and nations.
Scotland Europa membership brings together a wide range of Scottish organisations, including public authorities, businesses, local government, trade unions and education and voluntary organisations. This diverse partnership gives us a variety of perspectives on Scottish interests in Europe and an influential voice in European affairs.
We are part of Scottish Enterprise, working closely with our colleagues, both in Scotland and in SDI offices across the world. We aim to enhance Scotland’s economic development and influence in Europe.
Scotland House is our base at the heart of the European Quarter in Brussels. It is also home to the Scottish Government EU Office and SDI, as well as other key partners.